Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

Part of the reason that I have been so quiet in blogging and reading lately is because I was pretty sure I needed new glasses. I think it had been a problem for a while, but it had just got to a point where it was giving me headaches. So, I am happy to now have new glasses. It made a big difference! They are bothering me, though. I had my others for like two years and I really liked them. I think these ones need to be adjusted a bit. Also, my other ones were just a basic colour, but these are a bit more noticeable. But, if I get them adjusted I think I can handle them.

Because of a favour for a friend I have a karaoke player and a pile of CDs at the moment. It's kinda fun, actually. The cc sings karaoke all the time, but I am a sing in my own house type of person. It's been fun using it while I have it. The cc still does most of the singing, but that's okay. I really need to educate myself on music. I have only heard about 10 percent of the songs I have here.

Okay, off to read!


  1. Ooh, so glad you're reading so that we can all see WHAT you're reading!

    I know what you mean about not really adjusting to new glasses. I got "cuter" glasses last year, but they give me headaches and so I never use them. I still use the old pair, when I use glasses at all.

  2. I am really glad I don't need glasses because I imagine the effect would be very nausea-inducing for me. I'd have to wear contacts and that just makes me shudder. I hope my eyes never deteriorate, though I imagine they will with my family's history...

  3. I just got new glasses - it took me about a week to adjust to the new prescription, and had headaches the first couple of days. Hope you adjust quickly!

  4. *sigh* yep.. i need to go for a new exam and new glasses too! I just hate the drops in the eyes and them staying blurry for the rest of the day until i go to sleep and wake again.
