Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A So-So Interlude...

I have had a lot on my mind lately and I have to share... I am terrible at keeping secrets, so I have to talk about it before I go crazy. And, well, if anyone happens to read this post so be it. Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of me and the charming comedian. I should be really happy, right, but instead I am sad. The economy sucks and I am tired of applying for jobs that last no time at all, so I am actually applying for jobs outside of my province. After I finish this post I am going to be sending in the second part of my application to teach English in Korea. That is the job that I really want, but we will see what happens...

The thing is, I haven't actually told the cc yet... I know we should be talking about this, but I have to do something and I am afraid if I tell him I will talk myself out of what could be a really great opportunity. He has a life here and I know he won't even think of relocating with me, so I imagine that things between us will be ending. It's not fair to ask him to wait for me for a year. It makes me sad. I know that he will tell me to go, anyways, because I am getting very discouraged with this job searching thing, but still... He knows this blog exists, but he has never read it before. I don't have to worry about him reading about it here, but I am going to have to tell him soon. So, yeah, great happy anniversary moment, huh? I spent all those years in university with the promise of a job when I graduated, and I can't find anything in my field and I am too qualified for most of the jobs available. It is very very discouraging.

Okay, now that I have depressed myself I am going to go...


  1. Aw, Kelly :( It's a difficult situation for sure, but I'm someone who firmly believes that distance doesn't have to kill things. Of course, every couple is a couple, and every situation is different, but...one year actually flies by. I hope things will be okay for you two. *hugs*

  2. Oh, Kelly, that's rough. It's possible you and the CC may take a break for a year, but that doesn't mean you won't pick things up again when you get back.

    In any case, I am SO EXCITED you applied for the Korea position. I know you were talking about it before, and I'm really happy you're going for it. Even if you get accepted to it, that doesn't mean you will necessarily go, right? It's just good to have options open and available.

    Good luck- fingers crossed for you.

  3. I have to agree with what Aarti's said. You may have to take a break while you're teaching in Korea, but you may always pick things up when you get back. And it is a really tough thing to find a real permanent job right now, so even if it takes you out of the province or to another country, it would definitely just be a good thing to have the opportunity to GET the full time permanent stuff. Good luck hon.

  4. I think you should definitely not put your life on hold and you should go for this job in Korea if it pans out. I almost decided to give up my study abroad program in france 11 years ago because I'd been with this guy for 3 years, but I sucked it up and went and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I wish I'd done that more often in my life.

  5. (Hugs) Sounds like you are really in a tough place! I completely understand your needing to find a job that will fulfill you and this sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I know how hard it will be on your relationship, though. Don't really know what to say, except that I'm thinking of you.

  6. don't look for trouble before it actually happens.. and even then there's a fair chance it won't be as bad as you think it may be...

  7. Awww sweetie. I agree with Amanda. This teaching position would be great for you. Don't place life on hold. Let us know how it all turns out.
